Within the square mile that makes up the City of London, there are more than 14,000 businesses. Fortunately the city’s landscape reaches high, otherwise there wouldn’t be much more room for budding entrepreneurs.
Known worldwide for being a hub of financial activity, the City of London is home to some of the world’s biggest accountancy firms, banks, and investors. Amongst the financial moguls you’ll find the occasional law firm, tech ventures like Google, and telecommunications outfits like Three. Competition for rental space is fierce, and the City of London’s local government does expect businesses to commit to sustainable practice. Knowing a little more about this area in general can help you determine whether it’s the right place to invest.
The City of London’s Financial Sector
The City of London is also known as the “Square mile”, and when investors worldwide hear that phrase, they know people are referring to the UK’s financial hub. There, you will find traditional banks and insurance agencies, including international branches like the Bank of America and the Bank of Canada. Foreign exchange businesses also thrive in the City of London, with a turnover of around 0.73 trillion alone.
Sitting at the heart of all this financial activity is the London Stock Exchange, which has been in existence since 1801. Alongside the heavily regulated London Stock Exchange is the alternative investment market, which exists for those who do not have the usual connections for traditional investing. It’s less well regulated, but it does open the financial floor up to a broader range of investors.
Although the finance industry dominates the City of London’s business activities, you will find the odd non-financial venture. This includes Google, which is home to one of London’s most innovative offices with hundreds of employees. Finally, there’s Three, which is a relative newcomer to the telecommunications industry, but is one that continues to grow stronger on a daily basis. Continue reading “Focus on Business in the City of London”